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SoP Data

The Section 59 of the Electricity Act, 2003 mandates every licensee to furnish the information to the Commission regarding level of performance achieved, number of cases in which compensation was made and aggregate amount of the Compensation and the Commission shall arrange the said information for publication.

The Commission through MERC (Electricity Supply Code and Standards of Performance of Distribution Licensees including Power Quality), Regulations, 2021 has set certain minimum standard of service that a Distribution Licensee shall achieve and maintain regarding power supply, Power Quality, metering, Complaints handling, reliability indices, etc.

According to Regulation 27 of the said Regulations, the Distribution Licensees shall submit information (SoP Data) stipulated under Section 59 to the Commission on Quarterly basis and put up such information on the internet website of the Distribution Licensee, within 30 days from the end of the quarter.

To view Licensee wise SoP dataClick Here